
Hmm sexy!

Bus stop advertisements are getting more and more creative nowadays with all their popping out cockroach or giant drink can. Well recently I saw one that really leaves me thinking.

A deodorant ad.

Am I the only one that find this ad weird? Yes? No? I mean they did find a beautiful model but her pose is just plain weird. Showing her overly photoshoped smooth armpit this way, normally deodorant ads will show the model spraying on the neck not directly on their armpit. Not sexy at all!

Strong spray!

I am not sure about the deodorant but I bet it comes with a strong spray feature! Why oh why did they make her spray so hard? Worst if she didn't spray it and its the ad company CG it in. What were they thinking? You spray so hard surely there are residue on your armpit and your armpit will be tam tam (wet) and niam niam (sticky) which is very uncomfortable. Maybe the deodorant won't be tam tam (wet) and niam niam (sticky) when you spray it all over yourself and thats their selling point hence the model is smiling?

Anybody wanna buy and try it?

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