
Burlesque : Ber-lesk

1: a literary or dramatic work that seeks to ridicule by means of grotesque. exaggeration or comic imitation.

2: mockery usually by caricature.

3: theatrical entertainment of a broadly humorous often earthy character consisting of short turns, comic skits, and sometimes striptease acts. ( Taken from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/burlesque )

4: Time doesn't apply on Cher and Christina Aguilera.

Seriously! Christina can pass off as 18 and Cher just don't look like the age that needs a hip replacement.


When I first saw the trailer, $6.50 or $8.00 ( Depending on the day or whether did I bring my safra card ) flown out of my wallet. I mean Christina and Cher singing, dancing and spreading their legs ( Paying $6.50-$8.00 to watch a 64 years old woman doing a spread eagle? Yes please. ) just seals the deal.

So I caught the movie yesterday and I was like "oooo the lights, oooo the glamour aannnnndddd the predictable plot". The plot was so darn predictable even Elmo can do it. Hit it Elmo!


"A (small town girl with talent.)

B(ig trouble in her work place.)

C(oncludes her journey with her saving the day and found her true love.)

easy as 1 2 3!"

Yeah! Elmo good job!

I really like Cher's opening number. She can sing, of course Christina too but Cher's voice sounds kind of like a guy but not a guy is just so much more alluring than Christina's lungs of steel.

To my disappointment Cher didn't spread her legs or dance ( much ) and no duet between Christina and Cher. Why oh why they didn't do it? It will be a hit no doubt! Overall I think the movie did pretty well with the choreography and the songs, plot wise meeehhh it could be better. I might enjoy the movie more if the guy sitting beside me didn't have a bad breath and the whole row of foreign talents behind me didn't talk like they are in the middle of a war or something. Sure I know you guys are concern whether Qi Qi is coming for the movie but does the whole movie theater have to know that? Pek chek! I hope you guys get a better experience than me!

Let me end off this post with Cher's ultimate song! ( Jude you know you like it. )

13 years ago.


I bet she had a pact with Chronos father of time.

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