
Crazy shit!

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Yea! Lovegetty! I wore a rat costume... can see my earstud blink blinking? =X

*Sigh* I am really ultimate lost now.. like lost sheep bahh bahhh bahhh.. or rather.. lost rat? Now with the single status.. i have all the time in the world.. yet i long for attachment.. I am crazy.. crazy enough to be so madly in love before..

Anyway... a quick tok about my work... GOD TAKASHIMAYA IS so crazy.. ! I know its japan company and all.. but we must be like them too? U know early morning they hav this music when they open stall? Then got this bell sound... THEN EVERYONE GONNA BOW DOWN LEH! Then they hav this morning briefing.. then this floor manager come .. everyone stand one row to greet her.. MAH JIAM queen LAH! I think she dominatrix or something.. Then hor she demand us to greet us her louder.. then all like school children greeting teacher like tat.. crazy crazy shit!

Falling to eternal darkness..

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