
STOMP is crazy!

I am not talking about STOMP the musical/dance sensation.

The black woman is working real hard.

I am talking about Straits Times Online Mobile Print (http://www.stomp.com.sg/index.html) an online portal for Singaporeans to mingle and discuss about the latest news, created by none other than SPH our local press. As we all know it newspaper ain't going to last with the technology boom( Ahem internet ), I guess STOMP is an attempt to tap into the internet market for our local press. So what is wrong with it you say? Well nothing much except for one segment of the web portal, "Singapore Seen".

"Singapore Seen" is a platform whereby everyone is a journalist, just take a photo, send and voilĂ ! You've just contributed a piece of news! Some of the stories are actually good reads and some of it are plain stupid. The stupidity of the people sending such stupid stories can't be measured by elephants. They are crazy I tell ya! I hand picked some of the stories that I find it stupid and you can be the judge of it.


He/she says that the woman didn't do a thing but the irony here is he/she took a picture and upload to STOMP didn't really help either. Why not go to them and say its dangerous? No, its easier to take photos. What an ass. Imagine there is another person took a picture of him/her taking photo of kids and send it to STOMP titled "Man/Woman take picture of kids playing on tree branch and upload to STOMP instead of going up to warn them.". Does that prevent the kids from falling? No. How about another person take picture of the person taking picture of the person taking picture of the kids. Woah! Matrix!

I am not sure why is this a piece of news. Stupidity to the max!


Did I mention about stupidity? If you find the bowl dirty then stop eating the food! OMG! Pig organ soups are some what clear or cloudy looking. Its easy to spot the stains on the bowl. Why? Tell me why? Why? Why do you still eat it?!


This one here is a winner. The guy who contributed the story was outraged for having a ticket issued to him, he claims that he was parking at the hump and not the zig-zag line ( In Singapore, you can't park on zig-zag lines. ). How idiotic this guy can be? He is clearly obstructing the road and that alone will guarantee his ticket. Trying to be smart ass finding loophole. Fail to the max!

Apparently taking pictures of couple kissing in public places are considered news. You will see tons of them in "Singapore Seen". Most of the people in the comments find it ok but the contributors think otherwise.


So the person just stare at them for 20 whole minutes?


In the picture, all I see was everyone is minding their own business except for you Jason. You bloody stalker.


Taking pictures of others without their consent is also setting a bad example for the kids. Do you want your kids to whip out their phones and start taking pictures of everybody? That would be public nuisance! Stupid aunties.


If you don't want your kids to see this stuff then don't bring your kid out! If you want to bring your kid out then expect this kind of things. Your kid maybe an emperor to you but to others is just some brat with shitty parents. Besides without such behaviors your kid wouldn't be born in the first place. So be thankful.

Anyway I've decided to contribute some "news" to the website.



I am not surprise if it had been posted before. So beware! Someone might snap a picture of you breathing and upload it. Stupidity are everywhere and they are infectious.

PS:All of the screen-shots are taken from said website except for the last two. I made them.

PSS:Don't ask me why am I in a blonde wig. Its too painful to recall.


10 random facts of Mighty Morphing Power Rangers!

The guy in Alpha 5 suit is really short.

I am doing this post mainly because I feel like it and there are lots of people from random countries searched "pink ranger cosplay" and came to my blog. Well you can read about the post those random people ( I bet its guys ) searched here "Pink ranger cosplay". Lets consider this post a "fan" service to them.

All right! Who doesn't know the power rangers huh? ( Ok, not you youngsters shoo! ) Every boys wanted to be red ranger and every girls wanted to be pink ranger. I prefer green ranger personally because he have extra armour. Its only logical to have extra armour since you are fighting aliens with bad hair. Kids last time just ain't that bright. So what is going on behind the scenes and on screen till the death of Zordon ( floating head guy )? I present to you 10 random facts of Mighty Morphing Power Rangers!

Oh wait wait! Me and my friends did a video out of boredom of power rangers a few years back you should take a look!

I don't know why they didn't let me be green ranger.

All right!

1)The power rangers series were from Japan's super sentai series.

2)The power rangers series have their own original storyline.

3)Most of the action scenes were from their Japan counter part.

4)The Japanese initially wanted to name the western version as " Galaxy Rangers ".

5)The yellow ranger was suppose to be a guy but the western version changed it into a girl to make it more balance.

What were they wearing?

6)In the super sentai series, each season have little to no relation with the previous seasons and the characters and costumes changes every season. Where else the power rangers series have a continuation story up until the death of Zordon and their costume changes every season only after season 4 "Power rangers: Zeo".

7)The first season's power ranger wasn't the first season of super sentai. It was the 16th season of super sentai.

8)In the season 2 and 3 of the power rangers series, the producers didn't want to change the costumes mainly because the following seasons of the super sentai teams consist only 1 girl. That is why you see power rangers summoning their zords ( robots ) that have nothing to do with their original powers, for example red ranger powers were tyrannosaurus but he got a red dragon zord in season 2 and a gorilla (?) in season 3.

Huh? Why fire bird and not phoenix?

Ahh that makes more sense.

9)White ranger in season 2 is the only ranger that have the armour appropriate to his zord. Mainly because in super sentai Gosei Sentai Dairanger didn't have a green ranger.

10)In season 2 of the power rangers, red, yellow and black rangers had a change in actors because the original actors had a pay dispute and left the show.

All right!

PS: Initially I wanted to to do 50 but I am lazy. =( ( E-mail me to make me do the rest of the 40! )

PSS: The actress of Trini the yellow rangers died in a car accident. I am kind of sad by that.

All right!



Just go with it.....leh

Yup! Jennifer proofs that she is still the rom com ( romantic comedy ) queen.

I have a secret. I looovvvee Jennifer Aniston. Her expressions are very funny totally like siao char bor ( Mad woman ) and I will convince you with this!

Oh Jennifer!

Alright back to the movie. I am not very sure but I think this is the first time Adam Sandler and Jennifer Ainston are on screen together. ( I am also a Adam Sandler fan. ) Its a plus plus plus for me! The movie starts with Dr Danny (Adam Sandler ) ran out on his first wedding due to his wife ( Played by Adam Sandler's real wife Jackie Sandler) and from then onwards he uses his unused wedding ring to bag girls in the pub.

One night, he met a young girl named Palmer ( Brooklyn Decker ) and fall in love with her but she accidentally found the ring in his pocket and one thing leads to another Dr Danny ends up asking his "wife" to have lunch with Palmer and him. Madly in love with Palmer, Dr Danny asks his assistant Katherine ( Jennifer Aniston ) to be his fake wife which in time falls in love with her too. So ultimately, this movie is about a guy having to choose between two women.

Brooklyn, Adam and Jennifer. Come on choose!

I love movies that shows the underdog main character and transform into something that wow-ed everyone. Katherine ( Jennifer Ainston ) was that.

From this.

To this!

Half way through the movie I was surprise by Nicole Kidman guest starring as Devlin, Katherine's nemesis from High School.


Everything in the movie are believable, I particularly like the scenes with Katherine's children, a young boy with little words and a girl who likes to speak in accents. Funny as it is the movie also shows some heart warming scenes. I love it! Watch it with your loves one today alright! I guarantee a good show or I will dance for you personally.

PS: You know how Jennifer Ainston always having some sort of rumours with the co-star? I think she and Adam Sandler makes a great couple!

Looking good!

But sadly, Adam Sandler is madly in love with his wife. In the movie "50 first date", he makes the director to cast his wife to play a role in the movie. How great is that? In "Just go with it", Adam Sandler's wife Jackie Sandler was in it too! Ahh the power of lovvveeee.

But still Jennifer is better =X




Children should stay as children.

Before any thing, watch this.

She is like 10 years old? When I was 10, I don't wake up in the morning and turn my "swag" ( some thing like charm ) on, I drink Milo and get ready for school. I am not against her music here but she is just too young!

There is nothing for her to shake!

The Wonder baby is only 4 years old. Why make her practice all those sexy moves that are meant for adults, when you can take her to the playground and let her play to her heart content.

All children should look like this and not trying to be sexy.

I really can't stand children trying to be sexy or empowering. One, they have no boobs or booty ( getting turn on by them (chilrdren) is sick in every way). Two, they are just a decade old and they are singing about love or fighting for rights, ( What rights? I don't know, may be the rights to watch Barny or something. ) it just doesn't add up.

I know the world is getting more and more liberal but children should just stay as being children. Parents please encourage them to do children stuff and not shaking their booty. They can be whatever they want to be when the time is right. Let them enjoy being a child or you will regret it.

PS: Champions Online sux!


I am out of shape.

Yes, I am. Here is a picture of me shirtless.

The horror!

This post is dedicated to me to stop eating and start working out.


Arms: Push ups

Waist: Running

Abs: Sit ups

Face: Lawnmower

Four months from now, I will post a shirtless pic of me then. I swear there will be changes!

PS: I started League of Legends! Promising! Short game = Good game


The Green Hornet!


I've always thought Green Hornet was from a comic book. After watching the movie, I did a quick research in wikipedia ( I love wiki! New character? Wiki it! New book? Wiki it!) and to my surprise Green Hornet was from a radio show, later adapted to a TV series with Bruce Lee in it! How cool was that!?


With a few clicks away, I found lots of interesting info about the Green Hornet. Stephen Chow was originally casted as Kato the Green Hornet's side kick also directing it. Due to creative differences Stephen Chow left the movie. In the TV series, the Green Hornet and Batman did a cross over episode. ( Adam West as Batman, one of the two actors that are actually the same height as the Batman in the comics. The others are shorties)

In the movie version, they portray Green Hornet as a very stubborn and spoilt guy who doesn't listen to Kato's advice. I am not saying its bad but it does lose a lot of cool factor. Kato in the movie was also very confusing. He's from Shanghai yet he have a Japanese name. Huh? But I've to admit Jay Chou speaks relatively well in the movie.

Its not a bad movie, its not very good either. Everything was half half if know what I mean. Half of the action, half of the comedy and half of character background (Kato in this case). I really do feel that this movie can be so much better, maybe Stephan Chow had directed the movie it will be better? Oh! I did truly laugh at one part of the movie. It was when the bad guy asking his henchman to inform everyone to kill Green Hornet with a million dollar bounty. They show the henchman goes to this sleazy place telling it to 3 asian girls, one of the girl behind of the counter ( Mama-san I guess.) after hearing the news took out knives and pass it to the other girls. I think I am the only guy who laughed at that scene. I am weird.

Anyway, catch it don't catch catch it. Your choice. I would suggest you to watch it during the weekdays though.

Legend of Edda

10 years ago, people don't really have much choice for MMO its either Ragnarok Online or Dark ages. Now, new MMOs pops out every now and then, most of them are free to play with cash shop thanks to the success of Maplestory. Legend of edda is of them.

Very epic login screen and music.

Legend of edda like Ragnaork online is inspired by greek mythology about the gods of Olympus and the Titans. In the game, both sides are constantly at war and you have to choose which side to join. Once you have chosen which side to join, all your new characters will be in that faction unless you delete all your characters. Currently there isn't any difference between the two factions except Olympus' faction's town will always be day and Titan's will always be night. The players of either side won't get to meet up with each other, each of them have their own version of the towns, so if you are playing with a friend make sure both of you choose the same faction.

Meet my archer! ( I loovvee archers )

Currently there are 4 basic classes and 8 advance classes to choose from. ( No difference between the Olympus and the Titans. ) There isn't a need to allocate stats points to your character as the points are allocated automatically which is a plus for me. ( One less topic to read in the forums. ) As usual you still need to decide on which skill you want to learn or upgrade.


Quests are very generic here, gather x items or kill x creatures. World map is click-able to bring your character to that point. There are dungeons much like Dragonica base on your levels. The graphics are fairly simple ( My computer can handle it. ) but the voice overs are really good. ( Though I don't know what are they talking about. )

Blue Vs Red!

The selling point of this game is the constant PvP held to gain affinity and points to their respective factions. Through out the day, there are 5-6 time slot to join in for PvP. When it starts, the system will prompt you whether or not you want to join. In the PvP, the more you kill or damage a opponent the more points you will gain. These points can be spend later for items or skills. The PvP is played out much like capture the flag except that the flag is a crystal. The longer the crystal stays on your side the faster you can do a summon to aid you.

Level in LOE's PvP ain't important at all, no matter what level are you, once you are in the PvP map you will be at level 20. So skill points and gear are the winning factor. As usual there are still some classes that fair better than the rest, in LOE's case warriors and assasins. Warriors are blessed with high HP and assasins have a skill that can one hit KO a character (High cool down rate.) Sigh, why all the games I played, archers are always been nerfed except for Ragnarok Online.

Well thats about it! PM me in game if you are playing!